"Running to Freedom 5K will be an event in which participants of all ages are invited to run or walk at Saginaw Valley State University's campus to support three non-profit charities.The scenery the participants will view as they run will be one filled with the tranquility of nature, and signs will be placed along the track to bring hope to the sex trafficking survivors. The three charities that the registration fee and donations will be sent to are as follows: Rapha House, Face of Justice, and Trihope; which are all organizations destined to bring awareness and help victims of sex trafficking. More information about these organizations will be presented at the 5K. This event will have a guest speaker who will enlighten participants on what they can do to help the survivors of sex trafficking, and bring a sense of hope to their futures.
Please come and participate in this 5K on Saturday, October 24th to bring awareness to the atrocities of the sex trafficking industry, and help to show love to the survivors. Thanks for your time and for endeavoring to participate in this event! Donations for these organizations will be accepted at the race, and t-shirts will be included with the registration fee of $25 dollars if you register before October 9th!"
-Running to Freedom Team
To learn more or to register, click here!